Thursday, July 12, 2018

Yes Virginia - There Are Miracles

I left work in a foul mood yesterday – which is quite normal as of late. The day was filled with meetings that could have been emails. There were also the requisite calls from angry parents, decisions made by staff that thought they knew the best way to do things, although they never asked the staff that actually DOES the things, if their idea was even possible, and 5,000 emails.

But it was also July 11th. Doesn’t mean anything to you? It does to me. It was my parents wedding anniversary. It would have been their 65th. But my father passed away 28 years ago. And 28 years ago on July 11th, was the very last time I ever talked to my dad.

I was very close to my dad. I loved how he could fix anything. I loved to work on cars with him. I loved that he loved model trains and slot cars. I loved his sukiyaki (the only dish he would cook). I absolutely loved his sense of humor. Without him…well…you get the idea.

So, yesterday as I left work, miffed as hell about the day, baking in the afternoon heat, and generally just wallowing in self-pity, I got in my car and backed out of my parking spot. My radio came to life because I always have it on, usually blasting as loud as I can take it most times, and a DJ was talking. I generally change the station when I hear that, but I could tell he was almost done, so for once I left it.

And that is when the miraculous thing happened. The song came on. “Everything I Own” by Bread.

I almost had to stop the car. That was the song I listened to over, and over, and over, and over after dad died. Every time I hear it I think of dad. It was ‘our’ song. I hadn’t heard it in years – but it was on the radio TODAY.

That my friend is not a coincidence.

That was dad saying hi to me. That was dad telling me he remembered the last time we spoke. That was dad trying to tell me everything will be ok.

I hear you loud and clear dad.

Thank you. I love and miss you every day. Every day.

P.S. Years ago I read an article that stated that most people thought David Gates had written that song about a relationship gone bad. But he later revealed that he had written that song about his dad after he passed away. Makes it all the more special.