Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5 Weeks and 5 Shots

It has been a while since I have posted. (Thank you Captain Obvious) But I have been so swamped that although I was mildly happy – I was much too stressed to talk – or write – about it. As with all things  stressful, my 5 week run of terror is over now. Well, to be honest, terror might be a bit of overkill word wise. I probably should have just said ‘errands’, but then you might have stopped reading! What fun is that for me??!!

Week 1 – Work 40 hours, drive to Atlanta. I know, I know, lots of fun is involved here, but I am a human that needs down time. Nap time. Alone time. None to be had here. The concert was great, the visit with my daughter and family was great, the shopping was great, the food was great – everything was great! But back to my home (4 hour drive) on Sunday afternoon and work again on Monday.

Week 2 – Work 40 hours at my regular job, work 5 hours at my second job, drive to St. Augustine. I know, I know, tons of fun is involved here, but I am a human that needs down time. Nap time. Alone time. None to be had here. The visit was great, the yard sales were great, the food was great, the shopping was great, the French pastries were divine, the puzzles were great – everything was great! But back to my home (3 hour drive) on Sunday afternoon and work again on Monday.

Week 3 – Work 40 hours, drive to Cochran to move my son home from college. The blisters were great.

Week 4 – Work 40 hours at my regular job, 5 hours at my second job, drive to Macon. My son’s college graduation was great!! Dinner at Carrabba’s – not so much.

Week 5 – Work 40 hours, Tuesday night class starts, plus prepare my home for the impending mob of family members that will be staying for several days for the high school graduation. (In amongst this, new hardwood floors were installed, so my house was almost completely packed up and then 'mostly' unpacked) Thursday night & Friday afternoon all had arrived. Fun was had by all! The visits were great, the food was great, the shopping was great, the time spent together was great, the UNO game was great, but the dogs scared the living daylights out of my cat hoard.


By 4 p.m. yesterday (Monday) everyone had gone. They took what little bit of reason I had left with them.

Did I take a nap you ask?? OF COURSE NOT! I went over to job #2 to pay bills. After that, it was then that my husband thought it would be the ideal time to go do our Walmart run. I would have declined, but I needed liquor. Lots of liquor.

Here we are at Tuesday. All quiet now you would think. So did I until I realized I have class tonight, so I won’t get home until 8:00 p.m. Tomorrow maybe?? Nope, I have to process payroll for my other job, after my regular job.

Has anyone seen my sanity?? If you find it, please don’t return it. I am starting to enjoy thinking this is all just a weird dream…


  1. Sanity is overrated. I found mine one day as it wandered around the back yard without me and it looked so happy I left it there and haven't seen it since.
    Hope the liquor helped.
    Nice Post.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You crack me up!!!
