Happy Tuesday. I want so badly to have something to say today, but my brain is not cooperating at all.
"Please think of something cute, sassy, or funny to say," I tell my brain.
"Not a chance sister," it replies.
"Come on, I am begging you here," I answer back.
"HAHAHA!" my brain replies mockingly. "Not a scrap of any of those thoughts will I give you today - deal with it," it continues.
"Brat!" I scream as I fall to the floor crying and curling into a fetal position.
The people I work with all rushed into my office when they heard me fall and asked if they needed to call someone - like a doctor - or a psychiatrist? They also asked why I was talking to myself.
I was too lost in my sobs to really answer them. All I could do was repeat over and over, "Stupid, stupid brain, you're an asshole!"
My coworkers all walked away shaking their heads and muttering about how they were sure I need a vacation.
I am quite sure I do....
This post will do nicely.