Thursday, January 4, 2018


Well, the countdown got an added 24 hours. We got a snow day! Now I know that is a common thing in many parts of the country, but I live close to the GA/FL line, so it has NEVER happened to me. Tornado Day, sure. Hurricane Day, but of course! Tree Down Day, without a doubt! Too muddy from rain to get out of the drive, naturally! But SNOW DAY? Unheard of.

I decided to take advantage of this unexpected bonus day and do nothing. TV and napping were my activities of choice.

Then I made a list of what I wanted to do this weekend.
  1. Put up Christmas stuff
  2. Replace the door opener on the storm door.
  3. Get a basket out of the attic to put burnable paper in.
  4. Put up all 2017 bills and burn receipts.
  5. Change back to my 'unholiday' dishes.
  6. Laundry.
  7. Check my Coldwater Creek clothes.
  8. Clean the dryer screen.
  9. List stuff on eBay.
Well, after sleeping in and drinking coffee, it couldn't hurt to change from my holiday dishes to my everyday dishes. That would take only 5 minutes. (#5)

Oh, and laundry. 2 small loads. What is the harm. (#6)

I really need to get that burn basket down. (#3) I am actually late in the season for doing this.

Put up the receipts. (#4) Come on, I need to move around. I am getting stiff from sitting on the couch.

Replace the door opener. (#2). I want to leave the storm door open when I am on the treadmill to let cool air in. Heck, how long can that take?

eBay? (#9) Let me check prices. No, it isn't worth it to me. The things aren't selling for much. Maybe I will just give the stuff to my friend.

Pretty soon, my list looked like this:
  1. Put up Christmas stuff
  2. Replace the door opener on the storm door.
  3. Get a basket out of the attic to put burnable paper in.
  4. Put up all 2017 bills and burn random receipts.
  5. Change back to my 'unholiday' dishes.
  6. Laundry.
  7. Check my Coldwater Creek clothes.
  8. Clean the dryer screen.
  9. List stuff on eBay.
My new favorite thing is snow days and doing nothing...

P.S. Did you know snow can also be PINK? I learned that from my sister.

Happy Great Start to 2018!

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