Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Let me start by saying – MY SON IS BACK HOME FROM THE UK!!!!

Because of this, the dynamic at my house has changed a bit; which is totally fine. As a matter of fact, I welcome it!

What I mean by dynamic is – that because an adult is now living for free at my home – I believe certain contributions should be made. Let’s start with the easy one. He is home all day; I get home from work at 6:30; therefore dinner should be ready when I arrive.

But when I got home from work last night, the dinner that we had talked about and agreed upon earlier in the day, was not even started – and I was hungry. This was not a complicated meal; we were having breakfast for dinner.

Breakfast for dinner equates to: sausage or bacon (or both), pancakes or French toast, maybe fried potatoes (my favorite), and eggs. Eggs for everyone but me – I detest eggs.

Detest is probably not a strong enough word for how much I hate those little baby chicken embryo’s. My aversion runs so deep that I used to make my mom take the hard boiled Easter eggs out of my basket before I would dig through the yummy candy! It took me years to understand that the Easter Bunny was not playing some sick joke on me by putting them in alongside my candy.

That was a total sidebar - back to the story.

After regaling my husband and son with what I thought was hilarious (I am sure they would disagree), banter about the fact that they had not even started supper, we started to gather the ingredients.
Bacon – Check
Sausage – Check
Potatoes – Check
Cinnamon Rolls (a new addition!) – Check

Eggs –

Notice there is no 'Check' mark next to the eggs.

“I thought we had eggs.” I say.

“Me too!” My husband stated.

“We did, but I ate them for breakfast,” our son replies.

“But you knew we were having breakfast for dinner, why didn’t you tell us so we could have gotten some when we went to the grocery store at lunch?” We asked.

“I didn’t think about it,” he replies.

My response, “Oh my gosh. You didn't think about it? But you need eggs, dammit, you need eggs – or it isn’t breakfast!”

“Calm down, it is fine,” he snorts, “I will put them on the list.”

We went on with a variation of the 'breakfast for dinner' due to the lack of eggs and the rest of the evening went fine.

As I was getting ready to leave for work this morning, I glanced at the grocery list.

There, written under the other items needed that were already on the list were these words, in my son’s handwriting,

“Eggs, dammit, eggs! We need eggs”

It is so good to have my son back home! I am still smiling.

1 comment:

  1. This post was eggcellent and delightful.
    It really cracked me up.
