Thursday, September 28, 2017

New Style

It occurred to me as I thinking about how this blog is always on my mind, but I never seem to post anymore. The reason I do not post as often as I think I will, might be that I am busy - always busy - and the thinking, and planning, and writing, and trying to be funny, and revising just seemed to become another chore rather than a fun outlet to express my thoughts.

But I want to express something. Even if it just for me. Something I can look back on in later years and think, "Oh yes! That is how I was feeling on Thursday, September 28, 2017." Notice the selfishness of how "I" was feeling. Like no one else matters. Even though they do.

That should sway me somehow not to focus solely on myself, but I am sticking to my self-serving plan for now.

This is what I plan to do. Each day (lets see how long I actually make that commitment) I am going to try to post a word or a short sentence to explain my day. Short, sweet, and to the point, but maybe understandable by anyone else who reads this.

Feel free to post how your day is/was as a comment too!


Life has not turned out like I thought it was going to be. Not even close.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Yay !!!! Can't wait!!!!!
    Also, "trying to be funny" ?????
    You, dear human are inherently HILARIOUS!!!
    Never doubt that!!!!!

    P.S. There is enough ridiculous puncuation in this short comment for a novel!!!
    Am I right??????????????????????
    (Just so glad you will be on the web again!!!!!!)
