Monday, October 16, 2017

Play the Horses

My sister posted a funny post about the cost of things and what she remembers our dad always saying. 

She almost nailed it too - with one exception. On the rare occasion we went out to eat dad would always say, "You can have anything you want as long as it doesn't cost over a dollar."

I think he said that if we went to the Five & Ten cent store too. (Most of you people don't even know what that is anymore. Think Dollar Tree, only 50 years ago)

No wait, I think the 5 & 10 was our Grandmother. God love her. She would buy us a toy and even put a nickel or a dime in the mechanical horse, or train, or car, or wagon, or spaceship and let us ride for a few minutes.

That is the kind of wealth I thought I would have by now. Like my sister, I thought that by the time we reached this age we wouldn't have to worry about every nickel, or dime, or horse, or spaceship. We would have the 'Ride the Mechanical Thing at Any Price' kind of wealth.

I was wrong. So now I tell myself that I can have anything I want as long as it doesn't cost more than a dollar.

Here's to spending big...

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! So much truth.
    I always wanted grow up to be as rich as Gram and Grampa and now that I'm older I realize how poor they were!
