Monday, October 30, 2017


The weekend was terrific!

My husband is terrific!

My sister is terrific!

The fun we had was terrific!

Antiquing and going to the antique tractor show was terrific!

The 24 hours of a life size dragon were totally terrific!

The Siamese cat lamp my sister bought me is totally terrific!

The gifts and cards and phone calls were - you guessed it - terrific!

Turning 60 - not so terrific....

Although, a friend at work today told me that his old boss used to say, "It is better to be 60 and have halitosis than not to be 60 and have no breath at all."

Is the saying terrific??? Or just weird.....


  1. 60 ain't all that bad. I think of the years following it as being...interesting...
