Friday, September 29, 2017

A Bed is a Bed

I was given a magazine today by a friend. For those young individuals out there, consider a magazine an old school reading app made out of paper. In this magazine it showed a picture of a bed. Pretty, simple, and perfect.

However, it also included an 8 step, picture tutorial, about how to recreate the look of the bed. 

Now, it was a bed, with a bottom sheet, a top sheet, a blanket, pillows, and a fancy blanket folded and draped at the end of the bed. Didn’t seem overly hard to me to recreate. But they had EIGHT helpful steps.

So my thought for today is:

“If I cannot make a bed look similar to a picture in a magazine simply by using my ‘common sense street smarts’ that were garnered while growing up actually making a bed; and I have to resort to following multiple instructions that a paper old school app is giving me on how to do it – I don’t need that bed. And neither does anyone else.”

It is a bed. Who am I trying to impress in my own home with my bed making skills?

And as a total sidebar - who perpetuated the thought that 10,000 pillows on a bed was pretty and a good idea?! Pillow manufacturers - that is who. Not real people who sleep in their beds.

Just sayin'...

1 comment:

  1. Well said.
    I don't think I have had even 8 people to ever see my bedroom let alone needing 8 steps to make it inviting.
    I have slept on a sofa with only a throw covering and needed no instructions to sleep like a baby.
    Thanks for sharing.
