Friday, May 31, 2019


“Sometimes the only way to heal old wounds is to make peace with the demons that created them.” *
                                                                        Dr. Ishiro Serizawa – “Godzilla – King of All Monsters”
                                                                        (Ken Watanabe)

*I may have not gotten the exact words for the quote, but the meaning remains.

Even in monster flicks, kernels of truth and wise words can be found. 


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Long Live the King

Long time, no post. No reason, no excuses. Life has changed - dramatically.

But do you know what hasn't changed?

My love for all things GODZILLA! Today marks the opening of the movie, "Godzilla, King of Monsters!"

Because he is you know - the absolute KING.

Of course I am going to opening night. A Godzilla movie is about the only movie I will make a point to see on opening night. Regular price, not matinee prices, too. Highly unusual for me.

But he is you know - the absolute KING.

Apparently I am not the only one excited about this movie, because on the way to work, the station I was listening to played "Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult. God bless their little hearts!

So, a big ROAR goes out to anyone who knows how I feel!

Sit back, relax, and enjoy THE KING!