Friday, March 9, 2018

Echos From My Past

Below are phrases that are/were common in my family since I was a teenager. I just wanted to document the fun. :)

Scram gravey ain't wavy.

When 'yourin' 'yearins' to 'urine', 'yourin' better 'urine', or 'yourin' trouble. (all words in quote marks use the sound of the word "urine")

Let's go to Valdosta and get some toasta. (Don't pronounce Valdosta correctly or it makes no sense)

Let's go to Macon and get some bacon.

Are we there yet?

I would like a chork pop please. (pork chop)

There goes an airy-go-buzzer. (plane)

Is he in the horsepistol? (hospital)

Thank you Dad and St. Luke's United Methodist Church youth group.

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