Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Wisdom? What Wisdom?!

Never assume you are as smart – or as coherent – as you think you are. Once again, I had a BRILLIANT idea to blog about in my head last night as I went to bed. I had the first paragraph, the main idea, and the title – the 3 word title – down pat. I went over and over and over and over it in my head using the rule that if you say something out loud 5 times you will never forget it. (That unquestionably is a lie) My mind screamed – “Go get your phone and voice note the title at least you idiot – or go get a piece of paper!”


Did I heed the screams of warning that were rolling around my head with the excellent blog idea? Hell no. I.Was.In.Bed.

So here we are the next morning. I can remember my idea was sheer writing genius. I can remember it had a three word title. Something, Something and Something. I remember the Something after the ‘and’ portion of that title was the really important part. But that is all I have. THAT.IS.ALL.

I have blogged about sleepy time forgetfulness before and I believe I stated I would not do this particular form of lunacy again and YET I DID.

With age, does not necessarily come wisdom.

1 comment:

    Love it !!!!!
    Happens to me all the time !!!!
