Monday, February 12, 2018


This weekend was the best of times - and - the worst of times.

I was given a wonderful gift from my kids of a weekend stay in Daytona Beach and tickets to go see Brian Regan. AND IT WAS A BLAST.

But the black cloud in the mini vacation was as we were heading to Daytona, we went by my Welcome Station. You may remember I blogged about it a few months ago. (Click here).

I am saddened to report that it is no longer there. It has been torn down. I couldn't believe it. I guess deep down in my heart I had hoped that there was some other person that loved it as much as I did, but had the money needed to restore it.

I was wrong. They only wanted the land, not the history, not the memories. No one seems to want the memories anymore.

I looked away and closed my eyes on the way home. I didn't want to see the rubble again. It hurt too bad.

I identified so much with that Welcome Station. Its past joy, its present fortitude despite the years. To me its demise means that I may not be far behind.

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